The Pentateuch translated into Karaim

June 28, 2024

Details about the available publication format: pdf

ISBN-13 (15)
Date of first publication (11)

Details about the available publication format: print

ISBN-13 (15)
Date of first publication (11)
Physical Dimensions
140mm x 205mm


The first edition of the Pentateuch in Modern Northwest Karaim, written in modern spelling based on Latin alphabet (and with interpunction added). Based on the oldest known Northwest Karaim Biblical sources from the early 18th century, corrected and brought closer to the present-day linguistic standard based on sources from the 18th–20th centuries, with close cooperation with one of the last native-speakers of Karaim. Supplemented with a glossary of Hebrew technical terms and native Turkic words and/or meanings thus far undocumented in Northwest Karaim. The edition is religious practice-friendly.


  • Słowo wstępne
  • Įvadas
  • Skróty
  • Santrumpos
  • Księga Rodzaju | Pradžios knyga
  • Księga Wyjścia | Išejimo knyga
  • Księga Kapłańska | Kunigų knyga
  • Księga Liczb | Skaičių knyga
  • Księga Powtórzonego Prawa | Pakartoto Įstatymo knyga
  • Aneks | Priedas
  • Słowniczek wyrazów obcych i zapomnianych | Svetimų ir pamirštų žodžių bei posakių žodynėlis
  • Roczny cykl czytania Pięcioksięgu
  • Metinis Penkiaknygės skaitymo ciklas


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