Karaism: Doctrine and History

December 30, 2005

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
Date of first publication (11)


Karaism – the monotheistic religious doctrine based on the Bible of the Old Testament, appears as the missing link in the history of the culture of the religion of the East and the West. Dating back into the distant past, its present form was assumed in the 8th century. Karaism spread in a flash in the Middle East, in the basin of the Mediterranean and Black Sea and farther to the East, among nations of the different ethnic origin. Mass and individual conversions, sometimes spectacular, were a result of its spiritual bloom.

There were needed repressions of an exceptionally strong intensity that began in the 10th c. and lasted hereafter almost continuously to slow its expansion down and then stop it. An internal flimsiness which emerged amongst Karaims starting from the 13th c., also contributed to its fall. At present there are only a few communities of worshippers left – the last remains of the rich past.

In Poland Karaism is confessed by Karaims, a nation of the Turkish origin, who arrived to this area at the end of 14th c. from the Crimea. Today they constitute the smallest inhabited in Poland ethnic minority.

The author of the book, Szymon Szyszman (1909-1993) was born in Symferopol, the Crimea, in respected Karaim family which was well-known for its public activity. Later with his parents he settled down in Vilnius. He graduated from a secondary school in 1928 and in 1933 from the Department of Chemistry, Stefan Batory University. He worked at different scientific institutions in Vilnius and Warsaw. In 1944 he moved to the West, from 1949 to the end of his days he lived in Paris.

Szymon Szyszman personally got acquainted with Karaim communities originated from different cultures; he devoted the majority of his life to the researches on Karaism and the history of its believers. This publication is an introduction to the research on this religious movement and a useful synthesis for specialists and all readers interested in history of the religion and the community as well. Apart from this study the author published numerous articles about Karaism.

Research on the Qumran scrolls demonstrated some connections between the Essenes and Karaims what aroused the interest in Karaim doctrine falling gradually into oblivion. Rich Karaim literature, both theological and philosophical, can be of help in understanding the ideology and the structure of the society from above the Dead Sea.


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